R.A.G.E. Ministries started in 2003 with the mission to share the gospel and equip others to do the same. Merch has always been an important part of the ministry to help others have daily Jesus conversations. Until now, our resources have only be available at in-person events. Over the years, the request has gotten louder for wanting to order merch. February 10, 2024, we responded with launching our online store.
WeAreRAGE is the official online store of R.A.G.E. Ministries featuring ministry merch, products not offered at in-person events and even other collections aligning with our mission.
What does WeAreRAGE mean?
Why the name "WeAreRAGE" you may ask. Because we believe that Reaching A Generation Endangered is not a "me" thing... it is a "WE" thing.
Everytime you purchase a shirt, hoodie, wristband or any product, you not only help us continue the mission but you literally link arms on mission with us!
"We", together, can reach our family and friends for Jesus.
Who is behind WeAreRAGE store?
It’s us, the Fontenot5! Ryan Fontenot is the founder/lead communicator of R.A.G.E. Ministries but our online store is supported and operated by the Fontenot family.